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Saturday, 26 September 2015

Interview :Pál Kovács(Paul)North Oxford FC(English,Hungarian,Magyar)

.The North Oxford Football Club Multimedia Department decided to meet with one of the North Oxford's FC Living Legends the Hungarian Magiar Pál Kovács (known as Paul).Paul is one of the Most respected North Oxford FC Players well Know for is fighting spirit which has a huge impact on other players. Pál Kovács how many years you play for North Oxford FC?and did you play for other teams in England or Hungary?
Hello, Nelson.
First of all, thank You for the opportunity to take this interview.

I play for North Oxford FC for 7 years now, since 2008 the year when I moved to UK and Oxford.Oxford. I've always been lived in Oxford and play for NOFC, also I've been playing in Oxford University League as well. I've played for other teams for short time and I've been on a few football trials in London, but never really worked out; unfortunately...

I play football since I have made my first steps, really. smile emoticon
I grew up in Hungary in a small town, called Dorog, and I've played in my hometown for years...The motivation and humility towards to football in Dorog have been always the greatest! One of the many reasons for example, my club was the home club one of the Hungarian national football 'Gold Team' member, named +Jeno Buzanszky. (Olympic Champion; Played on Match of the century...)
Great, great history for young player to look up for this legends and simply LOVE THIS GAME!

what are your personal objectives for this season?(NOFC)
So my personal objectives for this season; to play with the same devotion as I always play on a football pitch every single time when I step on the grass. I am not sure I can achieve a better personal performance, score more goals, get better skills...etc. , but You bet I give it a damn good try.
we saw you play before on striker but also in the central half what is the position where you feel better?(NOFC)
The striker question. (laugh) Personally I feel better to play as a striker or in the midfield. The reason is is simple. I think I am fast and more creative, score goals, assist, and just be myself in this position. As I have played defender before for team, as we've struggled to put anybody else in that position. (Not anymore) But to be honest never really liked it. P.S.: Tim, I am NOT a defender.
4:in your Opinion what are the North Oxford FC Objectives for this season?(NOFC)
The club objectives for this season are great! It has to be! I mean we have a big squad with quality players and for both teams, Res. and 1st, the target should be to win the league and as many cups as we can! If believe we can do it, we will do it!
We have to work harder, take the games a bit more seriously; THINK and play for each other!!! Football is complete, and it all starts in the heads; so if we put that right , I believe with this talents we have in the club we can achieve whatever we want!
after all this years did you notice any change in the North Oxford FC?if any say it please(NOFC)
Many changes has happened during this 7 years, since I joined to the club. Changes are sometimes, necessary and unavoidable. Players come and go, ideas, formation, tactics, the color of the kit, the "local" pub....etc., but let me twist Your question and say a few words what has never changed!
Some former players, and recent Secretary and Head coach, Alan Thomas and Richard Hinkin, some old players who just come back this season such as Casper, Ray, Mike...etc. It is good to see this peoples around who give 100% to run this club smoothly week by week. Thank You for all of this. And to be honest...Do You need better motivation and atmosphere to see Alan Thomas on training tackling, running, goalkeeping, or even score!?!?!? I don't think so.
6:there are some opinions that the North Oxford FC squad are stronger than the one from the last season with new quality players. did you agree?(NOFC)
As I've mentioned before, I think and I agree we have a better squad now, than last year. We've started in a new league this season face against new teams, with all and every single quality players; WE CAN work harder, play some beautiful football to make both team, players, and everybody else happy!
7:please Paul what message did you like to leave to the North Oxford FC supporters,colleagues and Staff? Thank you(NOFC)
I'd like to thank to my teammates, coaches, supporters and everybody who is or has been involved to make football happen every week, year by year.
Also would like to grab the chance and invite everybody who love football to come to our games and support us! Would be an amazing atmosphere to see You around!

Thank You very much,

Hany eve jatszol a NOFCben?Jatszottal mas csapatban is Angliaban vagy Magyarorszagon?

7 eve jatszom a NOFCben amiota Angliba es Oxfordba koltoztem 2008ban, ezen kivul meg Az Oxfordi Egyetemen is futbalozok. Jatszottam mas kis csapatokban is egy rovid ideig, majd reszt vettem egy par treningen nehany Londoni klubnal, de sajnos nem jartam szerencsevel...

Talan hamarabb fociztam mint jarni kezdtem volna. grin emoticon
Nalam ez egy orok szerelem.Magyarorszagon egy kis varosban, Dorogon nottem fel ahol a labdarugast igen komoly kultura es tortenelem jellemzi. Csak hogy egy fontos dolgot emlitsek, az egyik legkiemelkedobb dorogi focista (a nagyon sok tobbi kozul), az Buzanszky Jeno, Olimpiai aranyermes; az Aranycsapat tagja, aki az evszazad merkozesen is reszt vett a Wembleyben.Persze tudom hogy ez a regi idok focija ez mas mint a mai labdarugas, de nekem O es tobbi hasonlo futballista jelentik a peldakepet...

Szoval hogy a kerdeseknel maradjunk, Mik a szemelyes celjaid a jelenlegi szezoban?

Szeretnek minden meccsre ugyanazzal az odaadassal fure lepni, ahogyan azt eddig is tettem minden alkalommal. Akik ismernek, es lattak mar jatszani akar egy komolyabb merkozesen akar barati grundfocin azok tudjak hogy mit is jelent szamomra a football.
Remelem, bar nem vagyok benne biztos, hogy meg tobbet tudok kihozni magambol iden, tobb golt tudok loni mint tavaly, tobb golpasszt, es meg tobb elmenyt szerezni minden egyes meccsen! De arra merget vehetsz, hogy oda fogom tenni magam! wink emoticon

Lattunk jatszani mint csatar es kozephatved is, melyik poziciot szereted jobban?

Latom elojott ez a kerdes ismet. smile emoticon Szemely szerint a csatar vagy kozeppalyas poziciot kedvelem jobban. Egyszeru a magyarazat. Gyors vagyok, jol latok a palyan, golt/ golokat szerzek, golpasszal tudok hozzajarulni a csapat sikereihez. Egyszeruen ebben a pozicioban vagyok onmagam. Az elmult szezon/ok soran jatszottam hatvedet is, de tegyuk hozza a csapat erdekeit szem elott tartva tettem mindezt mivel mas nem volt alkalmas ebben a pozicioban jatszani...Ezidaig smile emoticon Oszinten, soha nem tetszett ez a pozicio, es nem is az en asztalom. U.I.: Tim, nem vagyok hatved. grin emoticon

Szerinted mik a North Oxford FC celjai ebben az idenyben?

A klub celjai nagyok! Annak kell lenniuk! Ugy ertem hogy van egy jo keretunk rengeteg minosegi jatokossal az elso es utanpotlas csapatokban is, szoval a cel a bajnoki cim es nehany kupa meghoditasa! Ha hiszunk benne hogy sikerul akkor fog is!
Kemenyebben kell dolgoznunk komolyabban kell vennunk a jatekot, GONDOLKODNI es egymasert kell jatszanunk!A labdarugas egy osszetett sport, amit eloszor is fejben kell elkezdeni, es ha az megy akkor hiszem hogy elerhetunk barmilyen celt amit magunk kituzunk magunk ele!

Ennyi ev utan eszrevettel barmilyen valtozast a klubnal?Ha igen akkor mi lenne az?

Rengeteg dolog valtozott 7 ev alatt. Ezek a valtozasok szuksegszeruek es neha elkerulhetelenek. Jatekosok jonnek mennek, otletek, palyak, taktikak, osszeallitas, formaciok, a mez szine, a "helyi" kocsma is valtozik, de kerlek engedd meg hogy megforditsam a kerdest es elmondjam mi az ami NEM valtozott!
Nehany regi jatokas azota klubtitkarra es edzove avanzsalodott Alan Thomas es Richar Hinkin, nehany regi motoros akik iden ujra csatlakoztak a klubhoz, cask hogy nehanyat emlitsek Casper, Ray, Mike...Jo ezeket az emberek a klub korul latni es mindig 100% nyujtanak hetrol hetre, hogy a klub mukodhessen.Koszonet ezert.
Es oszinten kell annal nagyobb motivacio hogy lassuk a mar nyugdijas Alan Thomast egykozi jatekost es jelenleg klubtitkart az edzeseken futni, golt loni, vedeni, szerelni!?!?!? Szerintem, nem. wink emoticon

Sokak szerint idei csapat meg erosebb a tavalyinal az uj jatekosok igazolasa miatt, Te hogy latod ezt?Egyetertesz?

Ahogy elozoleg emlitettem az idei csapat jobb es erosebb. Uj bajnoksagban indultunk az iden, uj csapatok ellen, uj jatokosakkal fuszerezve, es ugy gondolom hogy minden egyes jatokassal meg tobbet tudunk dolgozni, gyonyoru focit jatszani, hogy mindket csapatot, jatekosokat boldogga tegyuk.

Vegezetul milyen uzenetet hagynal a North Oxford FC tamogatoinak es jatekosainak?

Szeretnem megkoszonni a csapattarsaimnak, edzoknek, tamogatoknak es mindenkinek aki reszt vesz abban hogy minden heten palyara lephessunk es kozosen elvezzuk a labdarugast.
Ezuton szeretnem megragadni a lehetoseget hogy megkerjek minden football szereto embert, hogy jojjenek el a meccseinkre es tamogassanak minket szurkolasukkal es elvezzek a kivalo atmoszferat amit egy focimeccs teremt!

Koszonom a lehetoseget,

Pal Kovacs.

Pál Kovács.

Monday, 21 September 2015

North Oxford FC news and Results

Burghclere FC 4 X North Oxford FC 4(reserves) North Berks Division 5: North Oxford FC :Martin (Gk)Ryan,Ray Davies,Lee,Craig,Hugo,Andy Patrick,,Ben,Dale, Curtis,Jack+Nelson,Victor,H.Walker SCORE: Ben,Jack,Andy Patrick,Curtis
the North Oxford FC drew on his debut in Division 5 north Berks.one exciting game and that ended with a 4-4 draw. the North Oxford showed from an early stage that came with the ambition of conquering the three points but it was the home team to score first despite the obvious domain of North Oxford that had many opportunities to score before. with a free Kick from Lee who hit the bar leaving doubts if not passed the goal line. North Oxford reacted well to disadvantage and by Ben and Jack turned the result and ended the first half advantage by 2-1.in second half the Burghclere FC came back to even the score. the North Oxford reaction however was strong and in the space of two minutes scored twice!!! thought if the game was solved pure mistake. the home team doesn't quit creating some opportunity as the North Oxford that turned out to be a authoritarian team and organized that could have reached the fifth goal.but in the last 10 minutes the home team reduced to 3-4 reaching 2 minutes remaining to draw, we have to recon the merit of the opponent but in the end result was unfair because the North Oxford in General was best Team.one Word for the brave North Oxford players who fought to the end especially the goalkeeper Martin added with a good display and sacrifice as we know Martin is a field player. After this match we see a positive future

GROVE FC 2 X NORTH OXFORD FC 1:the first team of North Oxford FC lost this afternoon Saturday(12/09/2015) by 2-1 against the Grove FC in the second round of the Division 3 North Berks. a game where from the first moment it turned the North Oxford to control and dominate the game. the North Oxford scored first with Glenn to be the author of the Goal justifying thus the superiority demonstrated against an opponent that defended most of the game and never showed any arguments to counter the quality of football displayed by the North Oxford.with minimum advantage the North Oxford did not rested and went in search of more Goals as you can tell by the entry in Paul Kovac. many opportunities to score the second goal but the ball didn't want to go in.. and as the old saying goes if you don't score you suffers. five minutes from the End against the odds was signaled a penalty in favor of Grove FC that the draw to this team. It was then that 1 minute of the end happened a goal down from the sky when nobody expected gave a victory very unfair to Grove FC that done nothing to reach the victory.was a unfair defeat to the North Oxford FC Team that proved to be the better team with a positive football with joy and a lot of quality. so the positive results will turn up very soon

North Oxford FC results 19/09/2015:First Team:North Oxford FC VS Harwell Village was cancel due Harwell Village not able to raise a Team.
CUP MATCH: Berinsfield Reserves 1 North Oxford FC reserves 4.score: Paul(1) Curtis(2)Andy Pantry(1) Curtis is on Fire!! 3 gols in 2 Matchs.


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