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Monday, 30 April 2018

Woodstock Res 1 x Lusitanos Oxford 2:vitoria na despedida de Roni

-os Lusitanos Oxford venceram na 4 feira 25 Abril na deslocacao a Woodstock o Old Woodstock  Reseves por 2-1.termina assim a epoca para os Lusitanos Oxford a condicao de 16 pontos(dependendo da decisao da liga referente ao com o Adderbury Park Reserves)
-este jogo fica contudo marcado nao sou por ser numa data relevante para os Portugueses,como principalmente pela despedida e ao mesmo aniversario do Guardiao Lusitano Roni Dias.
os Lusitanos Oxford quiseram presentear Roni pelo seu aniversario e despedida dos Relvados Britanicos com uma vitoria. Roni com uma exibicao de bom nivel foi elemento fundamental para a concretizacao do objectivo.perdem os Lusitanos um Bom Guardiao ganha contudo a proxima equipa Brasileira de Futsal ou futebol 11 deste antigo vice campeao nacional de Futsal pelo Oxford City Lions e vencedor da Couling Cup(Futebol 11)pelos Lusitanos Oxford.
-Quanto ao jogo os Lusitanos apresentaram se com algumas novidades e ate estreias(Gabriel Gouveia que apenas esteve disponivel no ultimo jogo da epoca)com varias adaptacoes entre os 14 jogadores disponiveis,e ainda com uma entrada a frio derivado do atrasado para o inicio da partida provocado pelos Lusitanos Oxford que se depararam com um transito caotico na relativamente curta viagem de Oxford para Woodstock. os Lusitanos Oxford jogando desta vez num sistema de 4-5-1 entreram melhor e foi sem supresa que Joao Almeida primeiro e Marcelo Guilherme deram a vantagem de 2-0 resultado registado ao fim dos primeiros 45 minutes,periodo esse onde a defesa dos Lusitanos este anulou quase sempre as investidas do Woodstock reserves mesmo quando este apos o 0-2 passaram a jugar num sistema de 3 avancados.com um meio campo solido a trocar bem a bola criando desiquilibrios e a lancar o sempre perigoso Marcelo Guilherme
-na 2 parte o Woodstock entrou a pressionar e chegou ao golo na conversao de uma grande penalidade muito duvidosa.por momentos chegou se  temer o que muitas vezes aconteceu ao longo da epoca:a quebra da equipa Lusitana na 2 parte.felizmente existiu um grande espirito de entre ajuda e de sacrificio que permitiu a equipa Lusitana segurar a vantagem isto aliado.em destaque nesse momento teve o guardiao Roni com algumas defesas de nivel elevado a manter a vantagem Lusitana.contudo as opurtunidades mas flagrantes na 2 parte pertenceram aos Lusitanos Oxford que estiveram muito perto de aumentar a vantagem em 3 ocasioes.no final existiu festa com espumante no balneraio Lusitano apos o qual fomos convidados a jantar no Bar da equipa local. agradecemos a Compreensao do Old Woodstock e do Arbito Chris Penny pelo atraso registado no inicio do jogo.o nosso Obrigado
Lusitanos Oxford:Roni(gr)Chebbron(Cap)Higor Barreto,Gabriel Gouveia(Benjamin Neto)Cristiano Barbosa,Luis Clemente,Bruno Freitas,Joao Almeida,Alejandro Gonzalez,Danny Gouveia(Guilherme Alessi)Marcelo Guilherme
marcaram:Joao Almeida,Marcelo Guilherme

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Woodstock Reserves 1 x Lusitanos Oxford 2:Match Report

- well the best  way to start the match report its:a massive Thank you to the Woodstock Res  and Referee Chris Penn to be comprehensive to the massive traffic that was yesterday between Oxford City and Woodstock that was the reason why the game start after 18h30. we Lusitanos Oxford appreciate this noble attitude.
-was a special day for was also was the farewell to Lusitanos Oxford Goal Keeper Roni Dias who will back to Brazil but was also is Birthday.
-Lusitanos Oxford start well and Creative Midfield Joao Almeida open the score before the end of the first half the Brazilian Striker Marcelo Guilherme(who else)made 0-2 for Lusitanos. a good response from the team after a bad season and the yesterday team was made of all available players who give a good response.
-Woodstock also have their change and in second half the Woodstock reaction was a strong one and they press    the Lusitanos team and at 55 minutes they score from the penalty spot a well deserve goal from a quality team that play very well.till the end of the match Lusitanos Oxford play in counter attact and have some occasions to score as well Woodstock with Goal keeper Roni Dias in good form keep the Lusitanos net save.in the end was a good Football match between to team who enjoy play football.
referee Chris Penn 100% spot on and in the end we have good moments at the Bar of the nice club that Old Woodstock is where in a nice and kid gesture they offer some nice food to the Lusitanos Oxford Team
Lusitanos Oxford :Roni(gk),Chebbron(cap)Cristiano Barbosa,Gabriel Gouveia(Benjamin Neto),Higor Barreto,Bruno Freitas,Luis Clemente,Joao Almeida,Danny Gouveia,Alejandro Gonzalez,Marcelo Guilherme
score:Joao Almeida,Marcelo Guilherme

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Summertown AFC 5 x Lusitanos Oxford 1

- there is not much  to say about the game against Summertown AFC at Cutteslowe park.
-Lusitanos Oxford turn up with the only 11 players available,some of them with the opportunity to play more minutes than in other previous occasions .Lusitanos Oxford start well  and score by the striker Marcelo Guilherme the team top scorer.Lusitanos manage to control the most of the first half and had other  great opportunity  to level to 0-2 when Danny Gouveia turn up from the left side on the box of Summertown without any opposition but decide to try to pass the ball when suppose tho shoot.and when you not score you will suffer ,so on the last seconds of the first half Summertown equalize with Lusitanos Oxford Ramon Miranda Own Goal.second half Summertown was the better team on the pitch and deserve to win against a Lusitanos Oxford team that keep breaking down on the second half.also Emilio Domingues saw a red card and Marcelo Guilherme score other goal that the line men decide that was off side(Wrong decision from  my Point of view but that is irrelevant to the final score do not make any difference any away)Summertown AFC deserve to won the match and Lusitanos Oxford team are already planning the next season and will go to the last game with intention to do their best and give more minutes to players who during the season haven't played many  times.is their opportunity .
Lusitanos Oxford: Roni(GR) Chebbron,Cristiano,Emilio Domingues,Ramon Miranda,Lourenco Barbosa(Cap)Alejandro,Fran,,Danny Gouveia,Marcelo Guilherme,Jordi Munoz
Sent off :Emilio Domingues(accumulation of yellow cards)
Score:Marcelo Guilherme

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Eynsham Res 4 x Lusitanos Oxford 1:match report

-there is not much to say when the Lusitanos Oxford players head and attitude is already a end of the season one...well we must to say that on the other hand we saw a great attitude from  Eynsham team who had played .from the minute 25 with 10..to cofident?lack of motivation?well  there is no reasons or excuses for saturday poor display
-Lusitanos start well and had 2 great occasions to score when first Willian Flausino and later  Marcelo Guilherme turn up alone in front of the Eynsham goal keeper fail to score.later at minute 25 Eynsham  commit a fault near to the box when Marcelo was on position to score.Eysham with only 10 players saw Jordi Munoz send the ball to the post from the free kick spot.then a awful second half from Lusitanos Oxford that again seems to break on the second half.Eysham  took their changes and play very well and deserve to win.still 2 matches to end a catastrophic season for the Lusitanos Oxford who have great talent players in their squad but where sometimes there was a lack commitment   also a plague of injury's and work commitments did not help a team that for the same  stop training during this season
with two games to go we have to games where for a question of dignity and honor we will try to win but also to give the opportunity to some players with less minutes to see if they can fit in the next season team
Lusitanos Oxford:
Roni(gr)Carlos Gouveia(Tiago Pita)Bruno Freitas(Cap/Higor Barreto)Chebbron Cargill,Emilio Domingues(Alberto Coito)Joao Barreto,Jordi Munoz,Willian Dos Santos,Willian Flausino,Marcelo Guilherme,Benjamin Neto.
score:Joao Barreto


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